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Trabajando en investigación cualitativa?
AQUAD es un software libre que le puede facilitar la labor.
Learn fascinating studies about the brain, consciousness and memory systems! University of Toronto’s Introduction to Psychology course starts on May 6th and the course is 8 weeks long. Sign up here:
Después de leer a Khan sobre la flexibilidad que deberían tener de los procesos de enseñanza y de conocer la realidad en nuestras instituciones sobre la forma de cobrar la educación (semestralizada o totalizada, pero dividida en asignaturas que tienen tiempos específicos), es interesante conocer la propuesta de cobro de instituciones como IEE-Instituto eurotechnology empresas de España. Uno de nuestros docentes esta tomando una maestría allí y nos comenta que se paga por el costo total del programa, pero las asignaturas se toman al ritmo del estudiante. El costo total contempla un tiempo estimado total, pero el tiempo que se utiliza para cada una de las asignaturas depende del estudiante.
Es un modelo de cobro interesante que facilita la flexibilidad.
Está haciendo investigación y requiere análisis econométricos?
Gretl es un software libre muy utilizado en estas actividades.
Una noticia interesante en ACM:
The Microsoft Research Machine Learning Summit will be streamed live from Paris on April 23 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. EDT (1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. GMT). This free online event offers highlights from the Machine Learning Summit, providing keynotes from machine learning experts and enlightening discussions with leading scientific and academic researchers about approaches to challenges that are raised by the new era in machine learning. Featured speakers:
Andrew Blake, Distinguished Scientist and laboratory director of Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK, will provide his perspective on the challenges that are associated with machine learning.
Judea Pearl, professor of Computer Science and Statistics and director of the Cognitive Systems Laboratory at University of California, Los Angeles, as well as 2011 ACM Turing Award recipient for his contributions to artificial intelligence, will present his ideas about data extraction and the discovery of causal effects from data.
Fei-Fei Li, associate professor of Computer Science and director of the Vision Lab at Stanford University, will examine the work of researchers who are teaching computers to extract meaningful information out of visual data to perform important tasks.
Watch the Machine Learning Summit live; the site opens at 9:00 a.m. EDT on April 23.
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